An Open & Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ
Weekly Worship
Sunday in-person worship & Sunday School begin at 9:30am. Nursery Care is available. Tune in virtually to our live stream worship on Facebook beginning at 9:20am.
Stay up to date with our church – updated every other month.
What’s Happening!
Find information on our upcoming events – updated weekly.
Get to Know Us
We offer a relevant-to-the-times worship service that values sacred music and thoughtful preaching.
Aside from weekly worship, we offer children’s programs, adult ministries, and several music opportunities. One of the qualities of our Congregational heritage and the United Church of Christ is a willingness to embrace individuals from diverse backgrounds. We are Open & Affirming. All are welcome!
Mission Outreach
We are proud to serve our local community year round through several initiatives including quarterly community dinners, heating assistance, supporting the regional food center, monthly mission projects, and much more.